Testimony of Daniel Terrero – Feminization
“I must say that I have nothing more to say about Dr. Cárdenas as my surgeon. I arrived in Guadalajara, Mexico, Monday, May 27, and was picked up by Vicente at the airport. The first thing we did was do my blood tests, when finished …
Stephanie’s Testimony – FSS Feminization
“I flew in from the UK to see Dr Lázaro Cárdenas Camarena in August 2006 and he went ahead with ffs he suggested. I was scared to be alone so far from home and I wish I booked the accommodation through him instead of the …
Blair d’Lena Testimony – Facial Feminization
Good evening, Dr. Cárdenas: I owe you a big thank you for what you have done to change my life for the better, for your skills and art I recommend everyone I know who is considering Facial Feminization, FFS, I love the reduction of the …
Breast reduction
Reduction mammoplasty or better known as: Breast reduction. When the breast grows too much and more when it does so in a short time, the force of gravity does its job and this breast with so much material ends up falling more than normal. Discomfort, …
Blepharoplasty, surgery for a new look
Genetic factors, together with poor diet, stress, lack of rest or unhealthy lifestyle habits take their toll on our eyes. Dark furrows around the eyes, bags or unwanted premature folds make our appearance look more tired and aged, this occurs because the skin around the …
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