Everything you need to know about a tummy tuck
Everything you need to know about a tummy tuck
Abdominoplasty, the new solution for a flat stomach after flaccidity.
More and more women dare to enter the operating room to improve their figure and more so if it is a flat abdomen: “the dream of many women”.
Abdominoplasty is an aesthetic surgical procedure that consists of the removal of excess skin and abdominal fat and the correction of muscle flaccidity.
This situation of excess skin and relaxation of the abdominal wall usually occurs in patients who have had weight gain and subsequent loss or in women who have had several pregnancies; This procedure is not to eliminate excess fat, but to eliminate sagging skin and permanently shape it, achieving a flatter, firmer abdomen and a narrower waist.
It is also useful for the removal of stretch marks and excess skin below the navel. However, stretch marks outside this area do not disappear with tummy tuck reduction
You can think about a tummy tuck if:
- You have excess skin around your belly button.
- The abdominal wall in the lower abdomen is weak.
- You had a cesarean section before and you have scar retraction.
The ideal candidates to undergo a tummy tuck are those women or men who have a relatively good figure but are concerned about the accumulation of fat or excess skin on the abdomen and that does not improve despite diet or physical exercise .
This surgery is especially useful in women who have had several pregnancies, after which the skin and abdominal muscles have relaxed and have not recovered their initial tone.
The loss of skin elasticity in older people, a situation frequently associated with moderate obesity, may also be better.
Patients who need to lose a lot of weight should postpone surgery, as should patients who intend to have future pregnancies, since the vertical muscles of the abdomen are tightened during the surgery and they can relax again during the surgery.
If there are previous scars on the abdomen, this surgery may be contraindicated or the scars may change position.
There are some different techniques to perform this procedure, this will depend on the assessment of the patient and the needs of her body.
We will explain some of them below:
Mini tummy tuck without umbilical detachment: if there is a slight excess of skin and fat in the region below the umbilicus, abdominal plastic surgery is performed. In this procedure the navel is not touched.
Mini tummy tuck with umbilical detachment: this tummy tuck is indicated in people in a similar situation to the previous one, but a moderate excess of skin in the region that is above the umblical region.
Abdominoplasty with vertical scar: when there is more skin left than in the previous cases, they separate the navel from the patient’s skin and then resect it and remove the navel again. Patients who undergo such an operation usually have a small vertical scar on top of the area.
Lys flower tummy tuck: This variety is only performed in cases where there is too much skin left over.
Classic or standart abdominoplasty: for cases in which there is a lot of skin left over, they take the excess from the umbilical region and join it with the pubis and the English. The mark that results from the operation is usually easy to disguise.
Abdominoplasty with lateral extensions: this intervention is used to correct the excesses that are on the sides of the abdomen.
Circumferential abdominoplasty or contourplasty: indicated in situations in which a person loses a lot of weight in an exaggerated way and has excess skin in all regions. In these the scar extends over the buttocks.
Reverse or ascending abdominoplasty: in these abdominal plastic surgeries, the excess skin is located in the area above the navel. This joins the breasts, taking advantage to increase their size.
What is the price of an Abdominoplasty in Guadalajara? From the assessment you can create a budget; Remember that it is important to always leave your health in the hands of a certified doctor like Dr. Lázaro Cárdenas.
The cost of abdominoplasty ranges from 60 thousand pesos to 70 thousand with a certified doctor, as is the case of Dr. Lázaro Cárdenas Camarena, for a more exact cost we invite you to call (33) 39445175 or visit us at Av. Verona Nº 7412 in Zapopan, Jalisco or write to our email drlazaro@drlazarocardenas.com and we will be happy to give you a quote.
What are the benefits of tummy tuck?
- Excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen.
- The waist is reduced, improving the body contour.
- The irritations that originate with the rubbing of the skin are finished.
- The scar is made in the lower abdomen and is hidden under underwear.
- The results are usually seen immediately, although you must wait a few months for the final result, as long as the specialist’s instructions are followed.
If I already made the decision to have an Abdominoplasty in Mexico; what should I do…
First of all, you are looking for a certified plastic surgeon, in the Mexican Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, A.C. (AMCPER) you will be able to meet some recognized doctors who will give you the best assessment so that you are safe at any time during this procedure, such as Dr. Lázaro Cárdenas Camarena.
At the evaluation appointment, the plastic surgeon will evaluate his health, determine the extent of the accumulation of fat in the abdomen region and the skin tone.
It is very important to mention even the smallest detail as if you are a smoker, if you are taking any medication or vitamins; You must state your expectations in a sincere and frank way, so that the plastic surgeon is also frank and shows him the alternatives available to solve the problem, with the risks and limitations of each of them.
If, for example, he only has fat accumulation in the area below the navel, a less complex procedure called mini-abdominoplasty may be sufficient, which requires a shorter stay in the clinic and is performed in less time.
In other cases, whether a full abdominoplasty or a mini-abdominoplasty is to be performed, a liposuction of the hips can be associated that improves the body silhouette in a more harmonious way, they can even be solved only by performing liposuction of the abdomen.
In any case, the plastic surgeon will determine the optimal procedure that will provide you with a more adequate body silhouette.
During the consultation, the plastic surgeon will also explain the type of anesthesia that he will use, the need or not to enter the clinic where the surgery is performed and the costs of the intervention.
Then the surgeon will ask you for some pre-operative studies to complete your medical history and in addition to this, he will give you a prescription for medications; Also depending on the case, it will be necessary to go to a consultation with an anesthesiologist, especially if it is a first surgery since the type of anesthesia most used to perform a tummy tuck is general anesthesia, during which you will be asleep until the end of the surgery. surgery. In some cases, especially in mini-abdominoplasty and abdominal liposuction, local anesthesia plus sedation can be used, so that during the surgery you will be awake but relaxed, and the region of the abdomen is insensitive to pain (sometimes you may feel any discomfort).
Take these tips into account before your tummy tuck: – Avoid tobacco, it can cause slow healing problems.
– Try to maintain a stable weight six months before the procedure.
– Maintain proper hydration of the abdominal skin.
– Do not consume medicines or foods (such as garlic), which can alter blood clotting, at least ten days before.
– Do a check-up before the operation to rule out hernias or other problems that may cause difficulties in the procedure.
– You must take anticoagulants before the abdominoplasty, to avoid the formation of clots.
How will the surgery be done?
A full tummy tuck usually takes 2 to 4 hours, depending on the amount of correction needed, and a mini tummy tuck usually takes 1 to 2 hours.
Abdominoplasty is performed through a long incision from one hip to the other, just above the pubis, then a second incision is made around the navel, to be able to separate it from the surrounding tissues.
In the mini-abdominoplasty a much smaller incision is used, also above the pubis, not being necessary the incision around the navel, which in some cases can be lowered when stretching the skin.
Next, the skin of the abdominal wall is separated upwards until reaching the ribs, exposing the abdominal muscles, these muscles are tightened and united in the midline, thus providing a firm abdominal wall and a narrower waist.
The separated skin is stretched towards the pubis and the excess skin is excised; the navel is placed in its new position; Finally, the sutures are made and a bandage and a temporary drainage tube are placed to eliminate excess fluids that may accumulate in the intervened area. In the mini-abdominoplasty, the skin is separated only between the incision and the navel, the excess skin is removed and the sutures are made.
After the tummy tuck …
After the patient’s passage through the operating room, he can remain admitted to the hospital between one and two days to recover, in this period the experts will put an abdominal protection, which is usually a girdle.
During the first days the abdomen is usually somewhat swollen and some discomfort or pain may be noticed that is controlled with medication.
The plastic surgeon will give instructions for showering and changing bandages.
Although he may not have to stretch all the way at first, he should start walking as soon as possible.
The external skin points will be removed between 5 and 7 days; the internal stitches, the ends of which come out through the ends of the incision, in 2 or 3 weeks.
The bandage will be replaced by an abdominal girdle.
There are some tips to help recovery such as walking stooped, in this way you can reduce the tension that is generated in the abdominal scar during the first days after treatment, it is preferable to avoid fluctuations in the patient’s weight, try to maintain a habit suitable for hydration of the skin and regular exercise to strengthen the region.
The first 15 days should be in relative rest, without making efforts; You cannot drive, smoke, drink alcohol or sunbathe, do not engage in physical activity for a month, and lymphatic massage sessions are recommended to aid recovery.
Scars may appear worse for the first 3 to 6 months while they are healing; this is normal.
You have to wait between 9 months and 1 year for the scar to flatten and lighten, although the scars will never disappear, they will not be visible, even when wearing a bikini or swimsuit.
Abdominoplasty, either full or mini-abdominoplasty, provides excellent results in patients whose abdominal muscles are weakened and have excess skin and fat.
In most cases the results are definitive, as long as it is accompanied by a balanced diet and regular exercise.
In abdominal plastic surgery, like any operation, it has general associated risks that can be reduced with due care, such as:
Abnormal scarring.
Risks from anesthesia, such as mild mental confusion after waking up or damage to the vocal cords.
In addition to these, abdominoplasty has specific dangers, such as:
- Pulmonary or abdominal complications (these are rare).
- Accumulations of liquid.
- Loss of skin that increases the size of scars.
- Strange belly button positions.
- Alterations of the sensitivity of the skin.
It is very important to know that abdominoplasty should not be performed in patients with clotting problems, minors, pregnant or lactating women, or for those who suffer from decompensated chronic diseases such as diabetes, autoimmune diseases, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and in smokers or people with alcoholism problems.